Lost Society

Lost Society has been thrashing in Finland since 2010 and according to their bio they competed in the 2012 Global Battle of the Bands (apparently that’s a thing, who knew?) They won the competition in their home country but unfortunately, the finals in London were obviously rigged since they lost to some boring reggae (those two-words might be redundant) band that features a keytarist, so yeah, totally rigged.

Don’t believe my expert analysis?

Here’s a video of the 2012 winner, Di Blueprint from Jamaica (a reggae band from Jamaica– what are the odds?!?!) I can assure you that the video is 4:12 too long but if you’re a glutton for punishment, um, enjoy.

Now that you’re awake after a 4:12 snooze, check out Lost Society killing it at the competition and the only explanation is that it was rigged (or Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner but I haven’t confirmed if he was the emcee at the event)

Anyhow, despite being robbed of the best-band-in-the-world title they didn’t let that crush their dreams of being an awesome thrash band since the following year they released Fast Loud Death

Followed by Terror Hungry in 2014

and their latest from 2016 is Braindead

They’ve also released several videos that are worth checking out

They’re going to be touring North America in 2019 with Children of Bodom, Uncured and Carach Angren. If you’ve never heard of Uncured, though not thrash, they are insanely good.

You can find out their complete tour plans and more at the Lost Society website or Lost Society @ Facebook